Honeydew melon Agua Fresca - Foodie Recipes Healthy

Foodie Recipes Healthy

Here you will find weeknight meal recipes and a few sweet treats as well.


Honeydew melon Agua Fresca


Agua Fresca


-100 g of cucumber
- 2 sprigs of fresh mint
- 500 g of yellow melon flesh 
-70 cl mineral water ice cubes 
- sugar


1 - Cut into cubes 150 g of yellow melon flesh and place them in the freezer. They will serve as ice cubes.
2 - In your blender, put 350 g of melon flesh cut into pieces, the piece of cucumber not peeled but washed and mix finely. 3 - In a carafe pour the juice obtained through a colander to strain the pulp.
4 - Add the water and add sugar to your taste.
5 - Add the mint branches and place your carafe in the fridge until tasting.

